Food Distribution
Who We Are
Chartered in 1965, Holy Spirit Lutheran Church was originally a congregation of the American Lutheran Church (ALC) before the ALC merged with two other Lutheran denominations (the Lutheran Church in America and the Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches) to form the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). The ELCA is the largest Lutheran denomination in America and comprises 8,900 congregations organized in 65 synods in nine geographic regions.
Holy Spirit a part of the Southeast Michigan Synod, and is the largest ELCA congregation in Genesee County. We are led by a council of up to 12 members of the congregation--each of whom has a particular area of congregational ministry to oversee. The current council members are:
President: Greg Dietrich
Vice-President: Dave Kraut
Director of Finance: Phil Sloan
Recording Secretary: Penny Tripp
Director of Christian Education: Nancy Glady
Director of Outreach: Bill Reaves
Director of Property: Mike Wolner
Director of Social Missions: Steve Halstead
Director of Worship & Music: Susan Wentworth/Hoben
Director of Youth: Vacant
Pastor Nathan Allen
A Senior High Youth Representative may also be nominated by the Youth
Since 1970, the ELCA (and its predecessor denominations) have called both women and men to serve as pastors and lay rostered leaders. Working in partnership with the Congregation Council, the Pastor of Holy Spirit is called to preach, teach and administer sacraments. Since 1965, there have been 4 called pastors of Holy Spirit, Pr. Warren Rinehart (1965-1998) Pr. Dick Walston (1999-2005), Pr. Will Stenke (2006-1014) and Pr. Nathan Allen (2015-present).
The ELCA is committed to growing in diversity and strengthening its global, ecumenical and interfaith relationships around the world. As a part of the Southeast Michigan Synod, we maintain “Companion Synod” relationships with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land and the Mbulu Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania.
The ELCA has 6 “full communion agreements” that allow for congregations to work with pastors from other denominations to lead worship and share in ministry together. Our full communion partners include: the Reformed Church in America (RCA), the Presbyterian Church in the USA (PCUSA), the United Church of Christ (UCC), the Episcopal Church (TEC), the Moravian Church (MC), and the United Methodist Church (UMC).
In particular, Holy Spirit maintains close relationships with our full communion partner congregations in the Grand Blanc area, and we utilized the agreement with the PCUSA to bring our Associate Pastor, Rev. Cassie Todd, onto our staff.
The ELCA considers education as an important part of our calling. In addition to regular Bible Studies and Christian Education classes at Holy Spirit, the ELCA has published a series of “Social Statements” to help inform and guide ELCA members through a variety of current socials issues. Each social statement is guided by ELCA pastors and lay leaders, which is then sent to the ELCA churchwide assembly (which meets once every three years) for prayerful deliberation, amendment and adoption. A complete list of the ELCA’s Social Statements is available online.
In addition to congregational learning, the ELCA offers opportunities for Lutheran education at every level. In addition to the seven ELCA seminaries and two seminary extension centers, there are 26 colleges and universities, 50 or more lifelong learning programs, 14 high schools, 296 elementary schools, 1,573 early childhood programs, and 145 camp and retreat centers serving 450,000 annually. The camp Holy Spirit works closely with is Living Water Ministries in New Era, MI . Many of our youth also attend a local YMCA Camp just down the road from the church: Camp Copneconic.
The ELCA is committed to making the world a more just and peaceful place to live. Locally, Holy Spirit partners with Samaritas (formerly known as Lutheran Social Services of Michigan) and other social service agencies in Genesee county. Through programs, ministries and partnerships, ELCA congregations, synods and the churchwide organization work to address inequities in political, economic and social systems and to end conflict and violence all over the world. We are a church that believes God is calling us into the world – together. This is Christ’s church. There is a place for you here.
For more information about the ELCA, go to their website