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Synod Ministry Academy
God has given gifts to the church so that all people can be equipped for ministry. For those who wish to dive deeper into theology, church history, biblical interpretation, Old and New Testament studies, worship, Christian discipleship, and more, the Southeast Michigan Synod has established a program called “Ministry Academy.” It consists of 12 courses on a rotating basis over 4 years.
Classes are taught by synod pastors in local churches, and all classes are open to anyone interested in deepening his or her faith-understanding and gaining skills for involvement in the work of the church. The Academy also serves as a training program for those interested in becoming Licensed Lay Ministers, a licensed position in the synod. Licensed Lay Ministers serve congregations in a variety of ways, such as in outreach programs, leading Bible or Confirmation classes, ministering to people in nursing homes or other institutions. They also are trained to preach and preside at the altar when needed.
If you are interested in learning more about the Academy or the role of Licensed Lay Minister, please contact Pr. Nathan, call the Southeast Michigan Synod Office (313-821-1055) or email news@semisynod.com.